Forums - Vampire Savior Faq Show all 5 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Vampire Savior Faq ( Posted by Middlekick on 06:18:2001 12:06 AM: Vampire Savior Combo Faq Okay, I've had this thing lying around for some time, and some charas aren't even up yet, but here it is anyway... Part1 Vampire Savior combo Faq. 11/04/99 Ver. 1.0 By Waleed Mahdi ( 1st Version released....kinda skimpy in some character's sections, I will try and update as soon I find new combos. Stay tuned. Introduction ------------ Welcome to my Vampire savior combo FAQ, In this document I will provide combos for all the characters in the Saturn version of vampire savior,this includes Donovan,Pyron,Phobos and Oboro Bishamon. Key === U=Up D=Down F=Forward B=Back DB=Down+Back DF=Down+Forward CHARGE=Hold the indicated direction for 1.5 secs. JAB=Light punch STRONG=Medium punch FIERCE=Hard punch SHORT=Light kick FORWARD=Medium kick ROUNDHOUSE=Hard kick X n=Press the button/perform the sequence the number times specified -> =Perform in the specified sequence [] =indicates a sequence + =Press both at the same time Felicia ------- Special Moves. Rolling Buckler D,DF,F + P,P Cat Spike F,D,DF + P Delta Kick F,D,DF + K Hell Cat HCB + K (When close) Toy Touch D,D + P Romper cat U + P/K Ex Charge D,D + KK Dancing Flash HCF + PP Please Help Me HCF + KK Notes on Felicia's moves. The toy touch and romper cat only work when your opponent is knocked down. Both Felicia's close and far standing fierce hit twice, as does her far standing roundhouse. Beginner -------- 1. Jump in fierce-> low roundhouse. 2. Jump in fierce-> standing strong-> jab cat spike. 3. Jump in fierce-> low short-> low forward-> low roundhouse. 4. Jump in fierce-> low jab-> short-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> toy touch. (corner) 5. Jump in fierce-> low Jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> standing roundhouse. (corner) 6. Jump in fierce-> standing jabx2-> jab cat spike. 7. Jump in fierce-> close standing strong-> short delta kick. 8. Jump in fierce-> close standing forward-> fierce rolling buckler-> toy touch/romper cat. Intermediate ------------ 9. Hell cat-> toy touch. 10. Jump in jab,fierce-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> romper cat. (corner) 11. Jump in jab,fierce-> close standing strong-> dancing flash-> toy touch. 12. Please Help Me-> toy touch. 13. Dash short-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> romper cat/toy touch. (opponent crouching) 14. Strong cat spike-> standing jab-> jab cat spike/chain combo. (opponent crouching) 15. Opponent getting up in corner-> early low strong-> low strong-> jab cat spike. (corner) 16. Jump in jab,fierce-> low jab-> low short-> standing jab-> jab cat spike. (corner) 17. Jump in jab,fierce-> low jab-> standing strong-> dancing flash-> toy touch. (corner) Expert ------ 18. Trade hits with please help me/dancing flash-> standing strong-> dancing flash-> toy touch. (corner) 19. Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,fierce-> [standing jabx2-> jab cat spike-> kitty the helper] x n-> low strong-> standing roundhouse-> kitty the helper. (corner) 20. Darkforce mode. [Standing strong-> jab cat spike-> kitty the helper]x n -> close standing strong-> dancing flash/chain combo. 21. Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,fierce-> [standing jabx2-> jab cat spike-> kitty the helper] x n-> low jab-> low short-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> romper cat. (corner) 22. Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,fierce-> [standing jabx2-> jab cat spike-> kitty the helper] x n->close standing strong-> dancing flash. (corner) Lilith ------ Soul Flash QCF + P Shining Blade F,D,DF + P Merry Turn QCB + K Mystic Arrow HCB + P Toe Pierce U + P/K Splendor Love F,D,DF + KK Luminous Illusion Jab,Jab,F,Short,Fierce Gloomy Puppet Show HCF + KK (level 2) Notes on Lilith's moves. Lilith's close roundhouse hits multiple times. The toe pierce is a pursuit attack. The luminous illusion can be done in the air. Beginner -------- 1. Jump in fierce-> low jabx2-> crouching roundhouse. 2. Jump in fierce-> low forward-> soul flash 3. Jump in fierce-> standing short-> shining blade 4. Jump in fierce-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce. 5. Jump in fierce-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low roundhouse-> toe pierce. 6. Close standing roundhouse-> luminous illusion. Intermediate ------------ 7. Jump in short,forward-> low jabx2-> low forward-> Es merry turn-> toe pierce. 8. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low forward-> soul flash. 9. Cross up forward-> low jab-> close standing roundhouse-> luminous illusion-> toe pierce. 10. Es mystic arrow-> luminous illusion/gloomy puppet show-> toe pierce. 11. Es soul flash-> jump in short,forward-> low forward-> merry turn-> toe pierce. 12. Dash short-> low jabx2-> low forward-> roundhouse merry turn-> toe pierce. 13. Jump in short-> low jab-> low forward-> splendor love. (corner) 14. Dash strong-> low forward-> merry turn-> toe pierce. 15. Jump in short,forward-> low forward-> low fierce-> luminous illusion-> toe pierce. (corner) Expert ------ 16. Dash fierce-> luminous illusion-> toe pierce. 17. Es soul flash-> jump in jab,short,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> luminous illusion-> toe pierce. (corner) 18. HP+HK Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,short,forward-> low jabx4-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> close standing roundhouse-> luminous illusion-> darkforce ends-> toe pierce. 19. HP+HK Darkforce mode. Es soul flash-> jump in jab,short,forward-> low jabx?-> low forward-> splender love-> darkforce ends. 20. HP+HK Darkforce mode-> Es mystic arrow-> dash splender love. 21. MP+MK Darkforce mode-> Es soul flash-> dash close roundhouse-> luminous illusion->darkforce ends-> toe pierce. (corner) Demitri ------- Chaos flare QCF + P Demon Cradle F,D,DF + P Bat Spin QCB + K Negative Stolen 360 + P (when close) Angled Demon Cradle F,D,DF + P During Dash Hell's Ride U + P/K Demon Billion D,F,DF + KK Midnight Bliss D,F,DF + PP Midnight Pleasure Jab,Strong,F,Forward,Forward (level 2) Beginner -------- 1. Jump in fierce-> standing short-> demon cradle. 2. Jump in fierce-> low strong/forward-> chaos flare. 3. Jump in forward-> low shortx2-> low forward-> low roundhouse. 4. Jump in fierce-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse. Intermediate ------------ 5. Jump in forward,fierce-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (Q.bee and BBhood only) 6. Es batspin-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. 7. Cross up forward-> low strong-> low fierce-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. 8. Darkforce mode. Midnight pleasure-> hell's ride. (corner) Expert ------ 9. Opponent in corner. Full screen Es chaos flare-> dash Es batspin-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. 10. Es batspin-> low forward-> Es chaos flare-> low strong-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (corner) 11. Es batspin-> low forward-> Es chaos flare-> Es angled demon cradle-> hell's ride. (corner) 12. Es batspin-> low forward-> Es chaos flare-> low strong-> Es chaos flare-> hell's ride. (corner) 13. Es batspin-> low forward-> Es chaos flare-> jump in jab,short,forward-> close standing strong-> Es demon cradle-> hell's ride. (corner and huitzil only) 14. Es batspin-> low forward-> Es chaos flare-> jump in jab,short,forward-> chain combo-> hell's ride. 15. Darkforce mode. Es batspin-> low fierce-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (corner) 16. Darkforce mode. Low forward-> Es batspin-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (corner) 17. Darkforce mode. Jump in forward-> mid air Es batspin-> low forward-> Es batspin-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (corner) 18. Darkforce mode. Jump short,forward-> jump short,forward-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> hell's ride. (just outside corner) Bishamon -------- Karame Dama HCF + P Tama Yose B + P after Karame Dama Ki en zan F,D,DF + P (guard cancel/reversal) Tsuji Hayate QCF + P after Karame Dama Kirisute Gomen 360 + P (when close) Iai Giri Hold B then F + P/K Shikaba Nemei U + P/K Oni kubi Hineri HCB + PP Enma Ishi HCF + KK Togakubi sarashi D,D + PP Beginner -------- 1. Jump in roundhouse-> low strong-> iai geri. 2. Jump in forward,roundhouse-> low jab-> low strong-> low fierce. 3. Oni kubi hineri-> togakubi sarashi. Intermediate ------------ 4. Jump in forward,roundhouse-> low jabx2-> low short-> low strong-> low fierce. 5. Jump in forward/roundhouse-> low jab-> low short-> b+strong-> low fierce. 6. Jump in forward/roundhouse-> low strong-> karame dama-> tama yose-> es ki en zan/tsuji hayate-> togakubi sarashi/shikaba nemei. 7. Jump in forward,roundhouse-> close standing forward-> enma ishi-> togakubi sarashi. (corner) Expert ------ 8. Dash short-> low jabx2-> low strong-> iai geri. 9. Mid air karame dama-> jump in forward,roundhouse-> low jab-> low short-> b+strong-> low forward-> low fierce. (corner) 10. Mid air karame dama-> jump in forward,roundhouse-> low jab-> low short-> b+strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> shikaba nemei/togakubi sarashi 11. Jump in forward,roundhouse-> low strong-> kick iai geri-> low fierce. (corner) 12. Mid air karame dama-> jump in short,forward,roundhouse-> low shortx2-> low jab-> kick iai geri. (corner) 13. Jump in forward,roundhouse-> iai geri-> low strong-> Es karame dama-> suitable follow up. (corner) Zabel ----- Death hurricane QCB + K Skull sting D,U + K Skull punish HCB + P (when close) Hell's gate HCF + K Death phrase F,D,DF + K (guard cancel) Skull javelin U + P/K Death voltage HCB + KK Evil scream F,B + PP Hell dunk F,D,DF + PP Beginner -------- 1. Mid air chain/skull sting-> low strong-> death hurricane. Intermediate ------------ 2. Jumping fierce-> low jab-> low short/low strong-> low forward-> F+fierce/F+roundhouse. 3. Skull sting-> f+jab-> Death hurricane/Death voltage-> skull javelin. 4. Skull sting/mid air chain/jumping roundhouse-> low forward/standing strong-> evil scream/death voltage/death hurricane/low roundhouse-> skull javelin. (corner) 5. Darkforce mode-> dash fierce-> low/standing forward. Expert ------ 6. Jumping roundhouse-> low shortx2-> evil scream/death voltage/death hurricane-> skull javelin. 7. Jumping jab-> mid air death voltage-> skull javelin. (big monstas only) 8. Cross up Es skull sting-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> F+fierce. (corner) Q. bee ------ C.R. HCF + P O.M. HCB + P (when close) SxP K rapidly R.M. F,D,DF + K (guard cancel) Delta A QCB + K S.U. U + P/K Q.J. F,D,DF + PP +B HCF + KK Beginner -------- 1. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low/standing fierce. 2. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward. 3. Jump in short,forward-> low/standing forward-> C.R. 4. Delta A-> standing fierce. 5. O.M.-> S.U. 6. Q.J.-> +B-> S.U. Intermediate ------------ 7. Jump in short,forward-> roundhouse SxP. 8. Release a Q.J.-> jumping strong-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> Q.J hits-> Es C.R-> S.U. Expert ------ 9. Release a Q.J-> jumping jab,strong-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> Q.J hits-> Es Delta A-> dashing jab-> low short-> Es C.R-> SU/chain combo. 10. Release a Q.J-> jumping jab,strong-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> Q.J hits-> +B-> S.U. 11. Jump straight up and release a Q.J-> jumping jab,short,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low fierce-> Q.J hits-> +B-> S.U. (corner + big monstas only) Gallon ------ Beast Cannon QCF + P (air) Beast Cannon (Anti-air) F,D,DF + P (guard cancel) (beast cannon redirect) Direction + P after Beast Cannon Million Flicker QCB + P, tap P rapidly Climb Razor D,U + K Wild Circular HCB + K (when close) Strike Wolf U + P/K Quick Move D + KKK Dragon Cannon D,DF,F + KK Moment Slice Jab,Strong,F,Short,Forward Beginner -------- 1. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> standing fierce. 2. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low strong-> low roundhouse-> strike wolf. Intermediate ------------ 3. Jump in short,forward-> low jab-> low strong-> moment slice. 4. Jump in short,forward-> low forward-> climb razor/million flicker. 5. Darkforce mode. Jump in fierce-> low short-> Es million flicker. (corner) Expert ------ 6. Jump in short,forward-> low forward-> Es beast cannonx5-> strike wolf. 7. Jump in forward-> mid air Es beast cannonx5-> strike wolf. 8. Dashing strong,short-> low jab-> low strong-> moment slice/low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> standing fierce. Posted by Middlekick on 06:18:2001 12:08 AM: Part 2 Donovan ------- Killshred - Katana Hanasu QCB + K - Katana Modosu QCB + K after Katana Hanasu - Katana ni Kaminari o Otosu QCB + P after Katana Hanasu Efrit Sword F,D,DF, + P (guard cancel) Lightning Sword B,D,DB + P Blizzard Sword HCF + P Sword grapple HCB + P (When close) Press of Death HCF + K Change Immortal Strong,Jab,B,Short,Forward Beginner -------- 1. Sword grapple-> pursuit. 2. Jump in jab,forward-> standing short/jab/low forward-> efrit sword Intermediate ------------ 3. Change immortal-> press of death. (corner) 4. Full screen ES katana ni kaminari o otosu-> press of death. (opponent in corner) Expert ------ 5. Katana hanasu-> Katana ni kamanari-> jump in jab,strong-> low forward-> katana modosu-> standing jab-> standing short-> standing strong-> F+roundhouse.(corner) 6. Katana hanasu-> Katana ni kaminari o otosu-> jump in jab,strong-> low forward-> katana modusu-> low jab-> low short-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> pursuit. (corner big monstas only) 7. Katana ni kaminari o otosu-> jump in jab,strong-> low forward-> Es katana modusu-> low jab-> low short-> low forward-> F+roundhouse-> Es katana modusu hits. (corner) Morrigan -------- Soul fist QCF + P Shadow blade F,D,DF + P (guard cancel) Vector drain HCB + P (when close) Shell pierce U + P/K Darkness illusion Jab,Jab,F,Short,Fierce Valkyrie Turn HCB + P Finishing Shower Strong,Jab,B,Short,Forward Cryptic Needle F,Fierce,Strong,Jab,F Beginner -------- 1. Air chain/short valkyrie turn-> low roundhouse-> shell pierce. Intermediate ------------ 2. Finishing shower-> cryptic needle/darkness illusion. (corner) 3. Dash jab-> mid-air darkness illusion. Expert ------ 4. Darkforce mode. Short valkyrie turn-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> standing roundhouse-> darkness illusion. (opponent just outside corner) 5. Jump in jab,short,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low forward-> low fierce-> darkness illusion-> shell pierce. (corner) 6. Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,forward-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> standing roundhouse-> darkness illusion. 7. Darkforce mode. Finishing shower->low short-> low strong-> low fierce-> standing roundhouse-> darkness illusion. (corner) 8. Darkforce mode. Jump in jab,short,forward-> low jabx n-> Es shadow blade. 9. Opponent getting up-> Early jab soul fist-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> darkness illusion-> shell pierce. (corner) Bulleta ------- Smile and Missile Hold B,then F + P/K Happy and Missile Hold D,then U + P Cheer and Fire F,D,DF + P Sentimental Typhoon HCB + P (when close) Shyness and Strike QCB + P (hold to delay) Jealousy and Fake F,D,DF + K (guard cancel only) Love of the ballet U + P/K Cool Hunting HCF + PP Apple for You HCB + KK Beautiful Memory HCF + KK Beginner -------- 1. Jump in strong,forward-> low short-> low strong-> low roundhouse-> love of the ballet. 2. Jump in jab,short,strong/cross up forward-> low strong-> shyness and strike-> love of the ballet. 3. Sentimantal typhoon-> love of the ballet. Intermediate ------------ 4. Dash neutral strong-> low shortx2-> low strong-> shyness and strike-> love of the ballet. 5. Dash far jab-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> love of the ballet. 6. Jump in forward-> low short-> smile and missile. (kick version) Expert ------ 7. Low short-> low strongx2-> shyness and strike-> love of the ballet. 8. Jump in jab,short,strong,forward-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> DF+roundhouse. (corner) Aulbath ------- Sonic Wave Hold B,then F + P Poison Breath Hold B,then F + K Trick Fish B,B + K Trick Fish 2 F,D,DF + K (guard cancel) Gem's Anger HCB + K (when close) Crystal Lancer HCB + P (when close) Riverside Drop U + P/K Direct Scissors D,D + PP Aqua Spread F,FD,D + PP/KK Water Jail F,D,DF + PP Sea Rage HCF + PP Beginner -------- Intermediate ------------ Expert ------ Sasquatch --------- Big Breath QCF + P Big Typhoon F,D,DF + K (guard cancel) Big Blow F,D,DF + P Big Brunch HCB + P (when close) Big Towers D,D, + P Big Swing 360 + P Big Whale U + P/K Big Trap HCF + TAUNT Big Freezer HCF + PP Big Ice Burn HCF + KK Big Sledge 720 + KK Beginner -------- 1. Big brunch-> big freezer. 2. Jump in short,strong-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> big whale. Intermediate ------------ 3. Big brunch-> jump in jab,strong-> standing strong-> big typhoon/big blow-> big whale. 4. Es big breath-> big freezer-> big whale. (corner) Expert ------ Lei-Lei ------- An Ki Hou QCF + P Hen Hyou Ki QCB + P (guard cancel) Senpu Bu F,D,DF + P Hou ten geki HCB + P (when close) Zen puu U + P/K Chi Rei Tou HCF + KK Chuuka Dan HCF + PP Ten Rai Ha Short,Roundhouse,Strong,Strong,U Beginner -------- 1. Jump in strong,fierce-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> low fierce-> zen pu. 2. Standing fierce-> ten rai ha Intermediate ------------ 3. Jump in strong,fierce-> low jab-> low strong-> low forward-> standing roundhouse-> ten rai ha. 4. Chi rei tou-> senpu bu. (corner) 5. Senpu bu-> chain combo Expert ------ 6. Es hen hyou ki->combo no 3. Jedah ----- Dio=Sega QCF + P Nero=Fatica QCB + P Spregio F,D,DF + P (guard cancel) Ira=Spinta Jump, HCB + K->P/K San=Passale HCB + K (when close) Rasare=Sega U + P/K Prova=Di=Selvo HCF + KK->K Finale=Rosso D,D + PP Beginner -------- 1. San=Passale-> Rasare=Sega. 2. Finale=Rosso-> Rasare=Sega. Intermediate ------------ 3. Dashing strong-> low short-> low strong-> standing forward-> low fierce. 4. (Opponent right next to you) Es Dio=Sega(miss)-> low short-> low strong-> standing forward-> low fierce-> Es Dio=Sega hits. 5. (Opponent close to you)Es Dio=Sega(miss)-> low jab-> low short-> Es Dio=Sega hits-> low short-> low strong-> standing forward-> low fierce. Expert ------ Anakaris -------- Ouke no Sabaki QCF + P (in air) Hitsugi no Mai D,D, + P/K Cobra Blow B,F, + P Mirror Drop QCF + P Kotodama Gaeshi QCB + K(to absorb a projectile) then QCF + K Imashime no Bohi U + P/K Naraku no Ana HCF + KK Pharaoh Magic Forward,Jab,D,Short,Strong Pharaoh Salvation Roundhouse,Strong,D,Forward,Fierce (level 2 only) Pharaoh Decoration Roundhouse,Strong,Short,D,Jab,Forward,Fierce (level 3 only) Beginner -------- 1. Drill-> low short-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> Imashime no Bohi. 2. T + forward-> low roundhouse-> Imashime no Bohi. Intermediate ------------ 3. Drill-> standing jab-> standing short-> standing jab-> fierce cobra blow. (corner) 4. Kotodama Gaeshi(soul flash)-> standing jab-> standing short-> standing jab-> fierce cobra blow. (corner) Expert ------ 5. Kotodama Gaeshi(Es Dio=Sega or Es sonic wave)-> Pharaoh Magic/Pharaoh Salvation/Pharaoh Decoration. Victor ------ Beginner -------- Intermediate ------------ Expert ------ Phobos ------ Beginner -------- Intermediate ------------ Expert ------ Pyron ----- Soul Smasher QCF + P Zodiac Fire F,D,DF + P (guard Cancel) Orbital Blaze QCB + K (in air) Galaxy Trip B,D,DB + P / K Planet Burning HCB + P Cosmo Disruption HCF + PP/KK Piled Hell F,D,DF + KK (in air) Beginner -------- 1. Jump in roundhouse-> low short-> low forward-> t+fierce(2 hits)-> low roundhouse-> pursuit. 2. Jump in roundhouse-> low forward-> zodiac fire. 3. Orbital blaze-> pursuit. Intermediate ------------ 4. Jump in roundhouse-> low jab-> low short-> low strong-> low forward-> t+fierce(2 hits)-> low roundhouse-> pursuit. (corner) Expert ------ 5. Darkforce mode. [t+jab->standing short] x n-> low forward-> zodiac fire. (corner) Oboro Bishamon -------------- Beginner -------- Intermediate ------------ Expert ------ Posted by Middlekick on 06:18:2001 01:24 PM: I'm particularly interested in hearing long/advanced combos for the following charas: Jedah,Sasquatch,Phobos and Oboro Bishamon Ok people, let's hear them. Btw. Sorry to all the strategists thinking this was a strategy faq. I only realised I forgot to put the "combo" in the topic when I pressed the submit button Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 06:18:2001 01:33 PM: I didn't low that you play Vampire Saviour Posted by Middlekick on 06:18:2001 01:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by nE0|_i|_iTh I didn't know that you play Vampire Saviour Well, you do now All times are GMT. The time now is 10:20 PM. 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